Welcome to The Townsville Dental Centre



Fairfield Central Shopping Centre, T29, 2-30 Lakeside Drive, Idalia, 4811.
Shop-3, 15-23 Kokoda Street, Idalia, 4811.


Understanding Your Cosmetic Dentistry Options

October 17th, 2013|
Dr Himakshu Vyas

The cosmetic dentistry Townsville residents love offers many options to enhance your smile and give you the perfect teeth you have always wanted. Cosmetic dentistry offers so many benefits and can give you the confidence you need to get out and meet people. The many options available make perfect teeth well within your reach.

Cosmetic Bonding

When you have an uneven smile or have suffered damage to your front teeth, cosmetic bonding offers a wonderful option to create the look of your perfect smile. You can visit your Dentist in Townsville to discuss cosmetic bonding and if it will work to correct your current dental imperfections.

Cosmetic bonding is a popular option for cosmetic dentistry as it can transform your smile by applying a composite material to your teeth to hide imperfections such as cracks, chips and severe discolouration.

Cosmetic bonding is used to repair fractures and can even fill large gaps. The overall appearance of your smile can be improved immensely with the use of cosmetic bonding by reshaping your teeth and matching the look and feel of natural teeth perfectly.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is an easy cosmetic dentistry option to get your teeth looking their best. Whitening can reduce the appearance of darkening and stains dramatically in as little as two weeks. The teeth whitening offered by many a dentist in Townsville can actually be performed in the privacy of your own home. Home whitening kits provided by your Townsville cosmetic dentist can also save you money. These kits are custom made following a few in office steps first:

• Dental impressions are taken of your teeth in order to provide a perfect fir with your custom dental trays.

• The impressions are sent out to a dental lab and it will take a few weeks for the trays to be made.

• You will return to your dentist and they will ensure the trays fit and show you how to perform the

whitening procedure at home.

• You will use the whitening process once a day, for an hour, for about a 2 week period.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns offer another cosmetic dentistry option. Also known as caps, dental crowns provide a cover for discoloured, crooked and misshapen teeth. They can provide you with the smile you have always wanted, with the strength and integrity of natural teeth. Your existing tooth will be reshaped to accommodate the crown which is cemented in place providing you with perfectly even, perfectly white teeth.

At the Townsville Dental Centre we can provide the cosmetic dentistry you require for the perfect smile.

Trading hours

    8 AM - 06:30 PM
    8 AM - 5 PM
    8 AM - 2 PM


Fairfield Central Shopping Centre, T29, 2-30 Lakeside Drive, Idalia, 4811

Shop-3, 15-23 Kokoda Street, Idalia, 4811.

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