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Fairfield Central Shopping Centre, T29, 2-30 Lakeside Drive, Idalia, 4811.
Shop-3, 15-23 Kokoda Street, Idalia, 4811.


Different Tools For Making Tooth Flossing Better

March 5th, 2018|
Dr Himakshu Vyas

Flossing is a cheap and effective way to prevent bacteria build-up between teeth, which is a key factor in preventing gum disease and dental decay. Unfortunately, there are several reasons why people skip flossing, such as time, pain, or lack of know-how. Many skip it because it hurts their hands, their teeth or their gums.

Twisting the floss around your hand can be painful, so can pushing it between teeth that sit too closely together. Not only can this create discomfort for the tooth itself, but it can jab the floss into the gum once it is pushed past the pressure between the two teeth, which can cause bleeding if the gum is diseased.

We’ve put together a list of alternatives and accessories to the traditional floss for the people who skip flossing.

The decline in Australian dental health

Flossing your teeth is an instrumental part to any dental hygiene routine, but there’s no getting around that it’s not the most popular dental health activity. Popularly shunned as unnecessary, painful, and up-tight, a lack of flossing is leading to what’s seen as a dental health epidemy in Australia. With three in ten adults have untreated tooth decay, one in 25 Australians over 15 have no natural teeth, and 42% of all children between ages 5-10 have experienced decay in their baby teeth, Australians currently sport the worst teeth of the developed world.

Flossing alone won’t stop tooth decay but making sure that no bacteria, acids or sugars are left to their own devices in the cracks and crevices between your teeth is one of the chief ways you keep tooth decay and gum disease at bay cheaply.

Tools for a better tooth health

Here’s our list of alternatives to the tooth floss.

Dental floss brush sticks for jammed teeth

Perhaps you’ve really wanted to upkeep your flossing routine, but your teeth have simply made it impossible. If your teeth are placed too closely together it might’ve made commonly used floss string impossible to use. Using dental sticks allows you to work around the snuggest parts between your teeth.

Dental floss rings for protecting your hands

Do you shun dental floss because it digs into your hands when you wrap it around them? There’s a solution for that too. You can buy dental floss rings that allow you to loss pain free.

Flossing sticks

Flossing sticks are great for those who don’t like jamming their hands into their mouths. The fork of the flossing world, the flossing sticks suspend a piece of floss for you, so that you can both avoid cutting the circulation in your fingers and having your mouth full of hand.

Call us on 0747290241 of fill in our online form to book an appointment with your Townsville dentist today.

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    8 AM - 06:30 PM
    8 AM - 5 PM
    8 AM - 2 PM


Fairfield Central Shopping Centre, T29, 2-30 Lakeside Drive, Idalia, 4811

Shop-3, 15-23 Kokoda Street, Idalia, 4811.

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