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Fairfield Central Shopping Centre, T29, 2-30 Lakeside Drive, Idalia, 4811.
Shop-3, 15-23 Kokoda Street, Idalia, 4811.


5 Common Mistakes that are Damaging Your Pearly Whites

November 5th, 2015|
Dr Himakshu Vyas

Choosing the Wrong Toothbrush

Your toothbrush is something you should be using at least twice a day, so it is important to ensure you are using the right one. Choosing a toothbrush with bristles that are too hard can damage your teeth and wreak havoc on your gums. However, choose one that is too soft and you may not be able to remove all of the food particles in hard to reach places while brushing.

Toothbrushes are available in a wide range of sizes, shapes and bristle stiffness to suit your needs. If you are unsure which one is the best for you, have a chat to your dentist who will be able to offer suggestions. Remember, no matter which one you choose, your brush should be changed at least every 3–4 months, or when the bristles start to fray, to ensure the best results.

Forgetting to Floss

We’re sure you’ve heard your dentist go on and on about the importance of flossing. However, once we leave the dentist’s chair and get back into the real world, it is all too tempting to get a little lazy and let flossing drop from our daily routine. You may be surprised, though, what a big difference taking the extra five minutes to floss can do for your oral health. Not only will the floss dislodge particles of food, which would otherwise be left behind. It can also displace the bad bacteria that could lead to gum disease further down the line.

Scrubbing Too Hard

In our never ending quest to achieve the whitest, brightest smile, many of us are under the illusion that the longer and harder you brush, the whiter your teeth will be. This is a common mistake and one that leads to serious problems, such as premature wearing of the enamel, teeth sensitivity, exposed roots and damaged gums. Just as scrubbing too hard is damaging, so too is brushing too often. Find a healthy balance and your teeth will start to show results.

Choosing Mostly Acidic Foods

While vegetables and fruit are great for your diet, sometimes they are not so great for your teeth. Foods that are highly acidic such as oranges, lemons and tomatoes can lead to premature erosion and tooth decay if you are not careful. Simple solutions are having that glass of OJ in one go instead of sipping it throughout the day and chewing gum or rinsing after eating.

Lack of Water

It might not seem it, but having enough water throughout the day is not just for keeping you hydrated. Having a glass of water after a meal is a great way to wash away left over food particles and bacteria that can lead to tooth problems or bad breath.

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    8 AM - 06:30 PM
    8 AM - 5 PM
    8 AM - 2 PM


Fairfield Central Shopping Centre, T29, 2-30 Lakeside Drive, Idalia, 4811

Shop-3, 15-23 Kokoda Street, Idalia, 4811.

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